Corpse Party Blood Covered Ost

вторник 10 мартаadmin

Ending 1 (Clear End). Classroom 1-A Pick up the loose board. Main Building 2F Use the loose board on the northern gap. Classroom 2-A Examine the skeleton. Choose either option.

This page lists all of the characters introduced in Corpse Party: Blood Covered, an installment in the Corpse Party series and remake of the original PC-98 game. Return to the main character page for Corpse Party here. Due to the nature of this series, there will be a lot of Death Tropes and spoiler tropes.Spoilers will be unmarked and detailed gruesome notes can be found within.

2-3F West Stairwell Examine the spirit to gain the unknown key. Classroom 3-A Choose to enter the room after unlocking it. Read the newspaper, then examine the door.

Continue examining objects and moving through the room until a conversation occurs. Then approach the door.

Main Building 2F Grab the loose board near the southestern stairwell. Main Building 1F Go to classroom 5-A. Enter from both sides and try to approach the item. Speak to the spirit outside the classroom. Classroom 5-A Have Seiko stand on the spot on the north side of the room where the item appears, then approach from the south to get the infirmary key. Main Building 3F Use the loose board to get up to the third floor, then enter the girls' bathroom and exit. Attempt to leave downstairs until a voice is heard.

Return to bathroom, then go downstairs. Infirmary Examine the space heater to get matches. Examine the beds to start a story scene. After waking up, examine the door. Move around the room until the door is covered in black hair, then examine the door again.

Approach the desk. Infirmary A shadow will attack during this sequence, and some parts of the floor become impassible. Examine the door and try to use a match, then go and grab a bottle of alcohol from the white cabinet (approach from the north side only, or you'll risk being trapped by missing tiles). Re-examine the door and leave. Main Building 1F Go north until a voice is heard.

Follow the voice. Main Building 3F Enter the girls' bathroom. Girls' Bathroom Examine the stall with the noose. Continue examining the noose until a story sequence begins. CLEAR. Ending 4 (Wrong End 3)This ending does not exist in BloodCovered, having been added for BloodCovered.Repeated Fear 3DS. It has been added here for those who have yet to find a dedicated guide for that version.Note: No dialogue in this ending is voiced.

Read all five of the Victim's Memoirs. This becomes possible once it is possible to exit Classroom 2-A from the northern door (east door in hallway). Classroom 1-A, south end: Victim Memoir 1. Classroom 2-A: Victim Memoir 2. Main Building 2F (East, near north stairs): Victim Memoir 3.

Classroom 5-A, south end (west entrance): Victim Memoir 4. Main Building 3F (East, near bathrooms): Victim Memoir 5. Optional Scenes. Before step 2 of clear ending path, use the board on the southern gap and go downstairs. Try to examine the front entrance, then return to the second floor. Retrieve the loose board to continue.

When on the first floor with Naomi (main path), examine Shiho Hasegawa's corpse and notes by the red door. (No nametag.). When entering the bathroom in step 9, examine the second stall from the left before leaving the first time. This causes alternate dialogue on the second visit in this step. When controlling Seiko in step 12, go back up to the second floor and try to reach the blood splatter. When controlling Seiko in step 12, examine the poster on the first floor for a new response.

Ending 1 (Clear End). Main Building 2F Go to west stairwell and pick up the 3-A key. Classroom 3-A After unlocking and entering the room, approach the door.

Choose either option. Main Building 2F Exit the classroom and head downstairs.

Main Building 1F Go north, passing the skeletons. Enter classroom 4-A. Classroom 4-A Reach the item on the far left without looking directly at the child spirit to get the nail puller/crowbar. Main Building 1F When Ayumi leaves the party, enter the Entryway and speak to her. (Leaving will prevent re-entry unless you speak to her.) The child spirit will attack, so retreat to the entryway once again before running past. Classroom 1-A Use the nail puller to open the hidden door.

In the hidden room, pull the lever. Classroom 4-A Pull the lever without looking directly at the child spirit. When leaving the room, avoid the child spirit. (If the gemstone is in inventory, it will break to save you once.). Main Building 1F Use the new bridge to reach the east stairwell.

Go up to the third floor. Main Building 3F Enter the girls' bathroom.

Approach the shadow. Choose either option. Enter the girls' bathroom and examine the shadow again before trying to exit. Go back downstairs. Infirmary Follow the ghost into the infirmary. After the event, return to the hallway. Main Building 1F Pick up the antique doll body from outside the red door.

2-3F West Stairwell Pick up the antique doll head. Infirmary Return to the infirmary with both doll parts. After the event, go north.

CLEAR. Optional Scenes. During step 1 as Yui, enter Classroom 1-A from the south and pick up the gemstone. (If given to Yoshiki, it can prevent Wrong Ends 1 and 4 once before breaking, or prevent Wrong End 3 entirely if it is held until then.). During step 1 as Yui, enter Classroom 2-A and read the newspaper. As Yoshiki, examine Shiho Hasegawa's body and note near the red door.

No nametag. During step 3 as Yoshiki, enter Classroom 2-A and try to use the north door. During step 3 as Yoshiki, try to reach Classroom 3-A from the west.

After step 8 as Yoshiki, try to use the entryway door. Ending 1 (Clear End).

Classroom 1-A Choose either option. Exit and enter from the south side, trying to reach the board. Enter from the north side again. Enter from the south side and approach the board to start an event.

Enter from the north side and have Yuka wait where the board will be. Enter from the south again to get the loose board. Yuka's Charm After getting the loose board, Yuka will offer Satoshi her charm. If Satoshi accepts, he is protected from Wrong Ends 1 and 3 once, but if he refuses Yuka is protected from Wrong End 2 once. Main Building 2F Enter Classroom 2-A and examine the bloody corpse.

Exit from the north side and read Victim's Memoir #1. Return to the main part of the second floor. Response to Yuka will affect whether or not an optional scene can be viewed. Use the loose board to get downstairs. Main Building 1F Enter the entryway and read Victim's Memoir #2. Avoid looking at the child spirit and go up the eastern stairwell.

2-3F East Stairwell Pick up the unknown key. Main Building 3F Move toward the bathrooms. Enter the girls' bathroom and check the far side. Infirmary Use the unknown key to enter, then examine the beds.

Choice determines whether or not an optional scene is shown. Examine the newspaper, then leave. Main Building 2F Grab the nail puller and go back upstairs. Main Building 3F Pry open the boys' bathroom, then enter. Go back downstairs to the infirmary entrance. Classroom 1-A Pry open the cabinet to get the tiny key. Main Building 1F Use the tiny key in the expanded hallway to get outside.

Second Wing 1F Go west and enter the boys' bathroom. Go upstairs. Second Wing 2F Go to the east side and enter the art room. Examine the girl.

Exit and go north until a person runs. Follow that person west. Speak to her. Second Wing West Stairwell Try to enter/exit the second floor doorway, then go east. Second Wing 2F Try to enter the girls' bathroom. Second Wing 1F Try to return to the main building.

Avoid the ghost and return to the second wing. Second Wing 2F Return to the room where the girl ran to. After the event, return to the first floor. (Note that being touched does not result in a bad ending.). Second Wing 1F Return to the entrance without hiding and leave the second wing, then re-enter. Try to go west. Second Wing Read the posters that start with numbers (2F center left poster, 1F south near stairwell, art room center) and the poster in the second wing entryway.

(These are also a hint for what to do next. If you don't understand the hint, go to Classroom 1-A to find the hint explained on the teacher's desk.). Music Room Move the cabinet and check the desks that were blocked off (must have read the posters) to get the blessed shoes. Second Wing 2F Go to the far north and pick up the crystal of unsealing (behind the green ooze). Return to the girls' bathroom and go inside. Staff Room Pick up the item, then read the paper in the far southeast corner.

Try to leave from the north door. CLEAR. Ending 1 (Clear End). Main Building - Satoshi Go upstairs to the third floor, then enter girls' bathroom. Girls' Bathroom - Satoshi Examine the middle stall, then try to leave.

Return to stall and kick it open. Girls' Bathroom - Satoshi Choose 'Try to hold her up', 'Hoist her up on shoulders', 'Reach behind to unfasten'. Then pick any choice. Main Building - Satoshi Go to the first floor and try to enter the second wing. Girls' Bathroom - Kizami Leave the room. Main Building - Ayumi Go to infirmary and pick up the antique doll.

Go to Classroom 2-A and move toward the center. Main Building - Yoshiki Go to the first floor, where a hint is given. Start from the red door on the first floor, then step down 6 times and left 13 times. Examine the broken board to get a tongue bag. Digimon masters online steam. Main Building - Yoshiki Go to the infirmary and examine the beds.

Talk to the ghost. Choose either option. Main Building 1F - Satoshi Go to Classroom 5-A and enter from both sides. Go to red door and find the cellphone nearby. Main Building - Satoshi Go to infirmary, then return to Classroom 5-A. Have Naomi stand on the spot where the item will be on the north side, then enter from the south.

Corpse Party Blood Covered Ost

Custodian's Closet - Satoshi Use the key to enter the Custodian's Closet, then examine the TV. Examine the note that appears. Main Building - Yoshiki Go to the entryway to get the next hint. Go to 1-2F West Stairwell and stand on the middle board, then take one step left and 10 steps up (automatic steps from events don't count). Examine the board to get a winder. Bring the winder to the room behind Classroom 1-A and use it to force the lever. Poolside - Yoshiki Take the new path to the poolside.

Go south and examine the pump room door. Backtrack to find the key. When the splash happens, return to the lockers and try to leave to the main building, then return to the poolside. Use a ladder to get into the pool and dive 7 spaces right, 3 spaces down from the top-left ladder. Poolside - Yoshiki Go to the pump room and use the drain. Return to the pool and examine the broken drain to get a wheel. Use the wheel in the pump room to create a trickle of water in the pool.

Examine the pool faucet to get a tongue bag. Main Building - Yoshiki Go to the northern side of the first floor and give the bag to the headless girl. Go to the 1-2F East Stairwell and try to go up to get another tongue bag. Return to the remaining girl on the first floor and give her the tongue. Classroom 2-9 - Yoshiki Explore the room, then try to go outside. CLEAR. Ending 1 (True End).

Second Wing - Yuka Try to go to the entryway. Second Wing - Yuka Once the chase begins, avoid the pursuer. Yuka must go all the way around the building to the east door of the entryway to get the key to the front door. (Do not try to go there directly, or the cabinet may trap Yuka later.) After getting the key, exit the second wing. (If the cabinet has not fallen, she can run straight to the door.). Main Building - Yuka Go up the first stairwell and go north. (Do not go west on the first floor, as this will be an automatic failure.).

Classroom 2-9 - Yoshiki Choose to go back. Main Building - Ayumi Go downstairs and move toward the center of the hallway. Main Building - Satoshi Leave the custodian's closet. Main Building - Ayumi Go east. (This unlocks party switch using pentagrams.

Some of the following can be done in alternate orders.) Go west and read the notes near the basement door. Second Wing - Satoshi Go west until Satoshi reaches the stairwell, then pick up Morishige's phone. Return to the entryway and examine Yuka. Return to the main building and switch to Ayumi. Main Building - Ayumi Go to the entryway and examine the notebook.

Go to the second floor and examine the loose pages. Return to the first floor and examine the third set of notes.

Switch to Satoshi. Main Building - Satoshi Go up to the second floor and use the lever, then switch to Ayumi. Main Building - Ayumi Examine the blood on the science lab window, then enter. Examine the fourth set of notes. Try to leave.

During the attack, avoid the anatomical model and Yoshikazu. Get the key from the southeast corner, then escape the room. Main Building - Ayumi. Return to Classroom 1-A to find the final set of notes. Main Building - Ayumi. Go to 3F and enter the reference room. Main Building - Ayumi Switch to Satoshi using the third floor pentagram.

Main Building - Satoshi Go to the custodian's closet and watch the TV. Afterward, open the north door.

Choose either option. Use the third floor pentagram.

Main Building - Satoshi Use the 2-3F Stairwell to find a lever, then use it. Use the secret passage to return to the first floor. (Note: If you forget to pull the lever, after Satoshi's party reaches the bomb shelter a new lever will appear on Ayumi's side of the second floor.). Main Building - Satoshi/Naomi Go south. When in the bug pit, move as far as possible in the following directions to escape: right, up, down, right, up, left, up. In the second sequence, move left, up, right, up, right, up.

Main Building - Satoshi. Go to the second floor and use the statues to enter the infirmary. Try to leave after moving close to the desk. Main Building - Satoshi. Pick up the black cat plushie.

Second Wing - Satoshi Leave the main building and go to the Principal's Office (accessed from the west stairwell of the second wing) and enter. Principal's Office - Satoshi.

Examine the desk to get a tongue bag. Principal's Office - Satoshi Examine the space heater and flip the switch to open the ladder down. Use the ladder.

Main Building - Ayumi Go south across the new bridge and follow the hallway to its end (entering the rooms to go further). Choose either option for both choices. Basement - Satoshi Go north, following the spirit's path (right, right, left, right, right). Basement - Satoshi Keep moving down the path, pulling levers as they come. Basement - Satoshi At the pillars, follow the spirit's path again. (Its path is more complex than needed: the simple solution is to start at far right, go up one pillar, go left two pillars, go up one pillar, go left one pillar, go down all the way, then use far left all the way up.). Basement - Satoshi Enter the room at the dead end.

After searching for nametags, check the closet and try to leave. Basement - Satoshi Follow the blood trail.

Go left when it cuts off, then follow that path. Corpse Pool - Ayumi Leave the room. Basement - Satoshi Go north and enter the grave room. Basement - Satoshi Offer Sachiko's Tongue and Black Cat Plushie.

Do not offer other items. Basement - Satoshi Chant 6 times, then stop. Basement - Satoshi Escape to walkway between buildings before seven bells ring. (Some nametags only available during this event.). Easter Eggs. Toshimi Shinomiya, whose nametag can be obtained, is the illustrator for the Corpse Party: BloodCovered manga.

High quality Night In The Woods gifts and merchandise. Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. NIGHT IN THE WOODS is an adventure game focused on exploration, story, and character, featuring dozens of characters to meet and lots to do across a lush, vibrant world. After a successful Kickstarter it's being made by Infinite Fall, a teamup of Alec Holowka (Aquaria), Scott Benson (Late Night Work Club), and Bethany Hockenberry. Night in the woods merch.

(Note: This manga is being localized by Yen Press, to be released starting in May 2016.). Makoto Nagareyama, whose nametag can be obtained, was the debugger/QA for Corpse Party: BloodCovered and Corpse Party 2: DEAD PATIENT and offered script assistence for Corpse Party: BloodCovered.Repeated Fear. He is also the creator of the Corpse Party fangames 'Seiko MindBreak!' And 'Rabbit Foot!' . Nari Amatoya, whose character appears in Extra Chapter 1 and whose nametag can be obtained, and Tomoe Mizuki, whose nametag can be obtained, are part of the group that performed the ending and insert songs Requiem for a Dream (Chapter 4 Ending 6) and Eternal Prayer (Bomb Shelter BGM). The layout of the school in Chapter 5 more closely resembles the old schoolhouse from the original Corpse Party than in other chapters, most notably with the positioning of the science lab and incinerator.

Extra Chapter 1: A Gentleman's ErrandUnlock: Clear Chapter 1. Boys' Bathroom Pick up the item, but do not examine any stalls.

Try to leave, but return to the stalls when the blue light appears. Speak to the ghost, then leave. Return and say 'Sure thing!' . Girls' Bathroom Examine the far left stall, then follow instructions from each stall to get superstar glasses. Offer them to the ghost before moving on. Main Building 2F Speak to all three red ghosts.

1-2F East Stairwell Pick up the distinguished glasses. Return to the bathroom and give them to the ghost.

Main Building 3F The moving spirit that starts in the lower right has the infirmary key. Take it from the spirit without examining the other spirits. (Doing so will cause damage.). Infirmary Pick up the felt hat, then leave.

Boys' Bathroom When finished talking to everyone, leave. CLEARClear Achievement: A Place to Call Home. Extra Chapter 4: ToothUnlock: Obtain Chapter 4, Ending 3. Main Building 2F Go south to pick up the unknown key. Avoid red spaces (they are traps and inflict damage). Use the unknown key to enter Classroom 3-A.

Pull the lever and exit, going south down the hallway and downstairs. Main Building 1F Go to the entryway.

Afterward, try to return to the third floor. Main Building 2F Go to the west end of the second floor through Classroom 3-A.

Near the northwest stairwell, a number of fake traps will appear. The slightly brighter traps are safe to step on. Enter the stairwell and pull the lever. Try to return to the third floor. Run into Classroom 3-A and pull the lever, then go downstairs (avoid the ghost chasing you). Main Building 1F Another ghost begins chasing you here, so avoid it to get to the west stairwell and go upstairs. Main Building 2F Go north and pick up the gemstone to end the chase.

Pull the lever. Using the new bridge, return to the third floor. Choose either option. CLEARClear Achievement: Tooth and Nail.