Istrolid Controls

пятница 17 апреляadmin

Drone Swarm is a story-driven Sci-Fi RTT. The player controls thousands of drones that allow for unique combat techniques and mesmerizing graphical effects. As captain of the only human vessel capable of FTL travel, you're on a desperate search for a new home for humanity.

Hello, I'm BleachNinja and this is my tutorial fleet and guide for Istrolid. As a new player to Istrolid, thing's are hard. The higher rankers dominate the 1v1 field, and a steep learning curve holds you back from true greatness. It took me a while to get to where I am today, and I want to help make that journey an easy, and even more enjoyable one for you, so I have put together this guide.

In this guide, you will find many things, ranging from basic commands that will improve your gameplay, to a custom fleet to help you win your games.Bleach Ninja's Tutorial Fleet for IstrolidNote: I had to delete some of the images, and upload others to Imgur in order to be under the 20 image limit, but this google document has the original, unedited guide. I'll also be updated and editing this guide so if you find an error, let me know.The Basics: This fleet is a ‘turtle’ fleet, meaning that you play more defensively with the units.

You still will want good map control, which you can get with the fighters, but generally you will play more defensively with this fleet.Before we delve into the fleet specific details of the fleet, here are the essential commands that you need to know. Many players may overlook this aspect, but what is the point of a good fleet if it cannot be played properly?Changing Rally Points/G Command:The rally point command, (G) is extremely helpful in both early and late game. It makes it so when you spawn in a ship, it goes to the location where you set the rally point. Before I used the rally point command, I'd always forget my ships at spawn and end up loosing the game because my fleet would get crushed by the opponents superior numbers, so this command is especially important.

I’d set the rally point in the center of the map at the start of the game for your initial ships, than change it to be in friendly territory so your ships don’t accidentally fly into the enemy’s fleet.On the right, you can see the rally point I set. It appears to be a smaller spawn point.

Peria Chronicles Online. Just as Peria Chronicles was starting to make real progress towards release (it held its first beta test on May 9th, 2019), Nexon announced that the game has been cancelled (as reported by Check out the Google translate of the short Inven article below: Nexon has stopped developing the. Peria Chronicles is a cel-shaded action combat MMORPG or ‘massively multiplayer online role-playing game’ with a player-driven sandbox game world. With various tools, players can can terra-form the world around them to create mountains, underground tunnels, waterfalls, towns and interactable, reward-giving dungeons over the existing world. Date Peria story is about a clash that happen and then some creatures live along humans. That is the starting point but not much going for an MMORPG. The story needs to keep going forever, all MMORPG stories never end, a conflict might end but another one will appear.

This command is extremely important, and I’d recommend that you learn to use it as soon as possible, as it will make you a better player. Note: Once a rally point is set, there must always be a rally point active in the game, as you cannot abolish it, just change it. However, the rally point command is extremely helpful, and definitely worth using.F, Z, and X Commands:To use these commands, you must have a ship selected.F commandThe F command focusses fire if selected on an enemy ship, but follows if selected on a friendly ship. This command is fairly simple so I won’t go to in depth on it. The F command is helpful for concentrating fire, for example if you want a pack of fighters to attack a certain ship, or a ring slayer to fire upon a specific target.This is what the command looks like when executed. When the ship the command was issued to is selected, the red indicator will appear on the ship it is supposed to attack/follow.

In this case it’s following another fighter. (The circle around the left-most fighter is the Z command, which I will explain next.Z commandThe Z command locks a ship in place. It’s fairly useless for fighters, but on a bigger ship, such as a plasma brawler, you can lock a ship in place with the Z command, than use the F command to focus fire on an enemy ship. This is useful for stopping rushes, as you can melt the enemy fighting force with combined fire before they can get close enough to attack. You can disburse the Z command by pressing Z once more when the ship is selected, or by using the X command, which I will talk about next.The X commandThis command stops all other commands issued to a ship. It will cancel the F, Z, and any movement commands.

It only affects units, however, so it will not do anything against a rally point. This command is very helpful with fighters, as you can pack them up into a fighter deathball, than move to attack enemy fighters, and use the X command to keep formation and react to the enemies movement by stopping if they move in to attack.Learning to use these 3 basic commands will make you a much better player, and help you to not only increase your skill, but also gain rank and win more games.Bodyblocking:Bodyblocking refers to using fighters or other ships to block a projectile from hitting a target. This is most optimal when using fighters, because they are cheap, and highly maneuverable. You can also bodyblock smaller and less damaging projectiles, such as plasma and orb, though be careful, because bodyblocking rarely makes value. A single plasma projectile can kill a fighter, which in our case costs $48 to replace. Since plasma ships often have 3 mounts, blocking 3 projectiles means that $144 is down the drain.Overshoot:The term, 'overshooting' often refers to a ship with decent range pre-firing outside of it's effective range in order to hit a moving target once it enters it's range.

It was disgustingly overpowered, as the rusher would often lose due to a disadvantage from the enemies fleet overshooting their ships. Recently, it was reduced from 50%-30%, a noticeable difference, but overshoot is still dirty good. An example of using overshoot to your advantage, would be stacking artillery frigates behind your plasma brawler defensive line, forcing the enemy to either A. Rush you and die because of the disadvantage they would obtain from overshoot, or B. Slowly die to your focusses artillery fire.

But be weary when rushing spinal damage plasma, because overshoot will work against you, and a general rule of thumb is that if the forces are equal, the rusher will lose.The Importance of Map Control:The term, ‘map control’ refers to the amount of points you have in your possession on the map. You get $100 for capturing a point, so at the start of a game, it’s extremely important to capture all the points you can, but generally don’t go into enemy territory unless you are certain that you can capture a point without losing too many ships.With all but 1 point captured, I have 17 income, 7 additional income. The longer I have ‘map control’ or more points than my opponent, the larger advantage I get.

It is important to keep as many points as you can, but as a general rule of thumb, try to have at least 50% of all points so your enemy cannot gain an advantage on you. The rally point command is very helpful for getting map control.Gaining Rank:Here comes the fun part! Gaining rank. It’s easier said than done, though it’s very possible. I’d consider everything up to 1k easily achievable, and I’ve had several accounts that are/have been the lightning rank, also known as the energy drink rank. (1,300)The tutorial fleet should work well up into the higher ranks, and I’ve used it to beat several of the eye ranks. (1,500) Once you learn how to use the fleet, you should be able to cruise through the ranks, and maybe even sit besides me at lightning.

Edit: Any rank other than 999 is for plebs, and if you wanna be a real badass, get that epic six pointed star.wAnyways, up to 500 rank you can gain rank in any gamemode, and it’s impossible to lose any of it, Once you get to 500, the square rank, you can only progress and gain more rank through 1v1r. (the best gamemode) Though you don't HAVE to play ranked in order to get to 500, it certainly makes things faster. You can gain up to 30 rank from a single game in ranked, making it well worth your time. You might lose a little to higher ranked players at first, but with a little practice, they’ll be losing to you in no time, and you’ll get your sweet, sweet rank. (Rank is also referred to as ELO)Note: 3v3 is inferior to 1v1 in every way, shape, and form, and will not help you get better.Variations of the 1v1 Game mode:1v1 - This is the basic 1v1 gamemode, you cannot gain rank in this gamemode past 500, but it is still worth playing because it will make you better.1v1r - This is the best gamemode, as it is normal 1v1 but (drumroll please) you can gain and lose rank! Play this game mode to progress past 500. Note: When playing against high ranked players, you will only lose 1 elo per game, but if you beat them, you can gain upwards of 30 rank from a single game.1v1t - This gamemode is 1v1r, but you can’t use ai, swap fleets, or edit ships mid-game.

This is fun because people cannot use stupid auto swarm (ai fighters) against you. Use this gamemode if you are playing ai players just to spite them. Note: This game mode is useful for the Bleach Ninja Tutorial fleet, because it is a set 9 ships, and you won’t really need to swap fleets.Now that that’s out of the way, let's get started!Basic Minimal Fighter:This is a basic fighter. It does not have a lot of armor, but is cheap, fast, and easy to spam.

I picked the 90 degree mount because it wins vs. The 30 degree mount in large fighter battles.

You will use this fighter to capture points, as well as kill enemy fighters and smaller ships. I wouldn’t recommend attacking larger targets, as you may just lose all of your fighters for little to no value. I spawn 8-10 at the start of the match. Note: Be careful about packing all your fighters too close together, as they can get destroyed by an AoE weapon or a warhead/nuke. Fighter micro is extremely important to the game, I cannot stress this enough, I win a lot of games with both early and late fighter rushes. If you want to improve your fighter micro, beat the Orbiter ai using only this basic fighter. It's extremely hard, but doable.

I'm going to make a fighter guide for both beating Orbiter, but also countering flak, nukes and EMP nukes alike, and other aspects of fighter play. I'll link it here as soon as I finish.Speed Torpedo, ‘Speed Torp’:This ship is an extremely fast fighter with a centered speed modded torpedo launcher.

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It is very good at killing other more basic fighters, such as the one showed before, and other small ships. The torpedo projectile moves very quickly because of the six speed mods, but don't remove any, as it will not be able to consistently hit fighters with.