Police Quest Open Season Walkthrough

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Police Quest 4: Open Season is the fourth in a series of realistic police dramas by Sierra On-Line. Unlock and open your car's trunk, and grab the homicide kit.

Police Quest 4: Open SeasonOpening sceneTalk to everyone at the murder scene. Click the eye icon on theslain police officer's body. In the close-up view, click your notebookon the body and the cigarette lying on the ground. Exit the close-upview of the body and click your notebook on the graffiti on the wallof the convenience store.

Use your car keys to unlock your car's trunk.Pick up the homicide kit. Click the eye icon on the body of BobHickman. Click the chalk from the homicide kit on the cigarette andthe body. Exit the close-up view. Open the dumpster and click yournotebook onthe body inside. Talk to Nobles about the body.In the close-up view of the slain officer, make sure you haveclicked the notebook and the chalk on the body and the cigarette.

Alsoclick the notebook on the graffiti on the wall and the body in the dumpster.After you have marked and notated everything, talk to Julie Chesteruntil she photographs and collects all the evidence.MondayParker CenterTalk to Hal Bottoms. Look at your desk. Click the hand icon on the memoin your in basket. Open the left-hand drawer and remove the photograph.Open the right-hand drawer and pick up a 3.14 Follow-Up form. In yourinventory, click your notebook on the 3.14 Form. Still in the inventory,click the eye icon on the photograph. Remember the password written on thephotograph.

Give the 3.14 Form and the crime scene report to Hal. Clickthe hand icon on the computer in the back of the office. The ID numberis the same as your badge number, 612. The password is GUNNER.

Select'Gang Information' and then 'Rude Boys Get Bail' from the computerscreen. When you are finished reading about the gang, click on CANCEL andthen LOGOUT to exit the computer. Leave the office and take the elevatorto the first floor.Outside of Parker CenterThere is no graceful way out of this situation. After you have heardenough, click the hand icon on the reporter.MorgueShow Sherry your badge. Talk to Russ, the Coroner's assistant.

Talkto Sam Nobles, the Coroner. Click your notebook on Bob Hickman's body.Before you leave, take the personal belongings of Bob Hickman and BobbyWashington from the counter in the room where you talked to Russ. Return thepersonal items to the grieving families.Hickman's HouseKnock on the door. Talk to Valerie. Inside, give Katherine BobHickman's personal belongings. If you talk to Katherine about Bob's drugand alcohol problem, she will become upset. When she leaves the room, talkto Valerie again until she mentions the closet.

Open the closet door andtake the bottle of pills from the denim jacket.Target RangeTake the buff colored 13.5.1 form from the counter at the L.A. PoliceAcademy Target Range. Give the form to Bert. Take the wallet from inventoryand click it on Bert.

Pick up the box of ammo that Bert places on thecounter. Pick up the head gear. Exit this screen to the right. In the firingrange screen, walk forward. Take the head gear from inventory and click iton John Carey. When your gun is set to low ready, wait for a target toappear, then quickly aim and fire. When it is time to reload, open yourinventory and click the ammo on your gun.

When you are finished, drop thehead gear off at the front counter.South Central L.A.From the scene of the previous night's murder, exit the screen to the left.Go inside the store and take an apple from the counter and some glue fromthe display rack on the right. Click your wallet on the proprietor to pay.Outside, walk 2 screens to the left. There are two kids standing in frontof a burned-out building. Show your badge to the kid who is standing up.Talk to him until he repeats himself. Click the hand icon on the door of theburned-out building.

Inside, click the hand icon on the bullet holes in thecinder block wall. Use the putty knife from the homicide kit to loosen theslugs in all 16 bullet holes. Click the plastic bags from the homicide kiton each bullet hole.

Exit the close-up view of the wall. Leave this screenby exiting to the left. You should now be back at the scene of theprevious night's murder. Exit this screen to the right. Show your badge tothe little girl. Question her.

Give her the apple you bought at theconvenience store. Leave this screen to the right. Washingtonyour badge. Give her Bobby's personal possessions. Question her.Parker CenterTake the Parker Center ID from inventory and click it on John Carey.Take the elevator to the basement level by pressing the 'B' button. Walk tothe end of the hall and give Julie Chester the glue from the Lucky Martstore and the pills from Bob Hickman's closet.

Take the elevator to thefourth floor. Walk to the end of the hall and talk to Teddy. Give himthe bullets from the burned-out building.

Tell him they are for 'ShelfStorage'. Take the elevator to the third floor.

Return to your office. Whenthe phone rings, answer it by clicking the hand icon first on your deskand then on the phone.

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Exit your office and go to the first floor. Saveyour game!South Central L.A.When trouble starts, crouch down beside your car by clicking the walk iconnext to the rear door. Click the Kevlar vest that Katherine Hickman gave youon John Carey. Click the walk icon near the trunk of the car twice.

Takethe car keys from inventory and click them on the trunk. When the trunkis open, click the keys on the shotgun. Click the hand icon on the shotgunto pick it up.

Exit the view of the trunk.Once you have taken the shotgun from the car's trunk, open your inventoryand select the shotgun. Click it on the burned-out building. Now you canaim the shotgun and click to fire.

If you use all the shells, you have onechance to reload. You can reload by opening your inventory and clicking theshells on the shotgun. If you run out of shells, you can still load and useyour Baretta.TuesdayParker CenterAfter talking to Lieutenant Block, talk to Hal Bottoms.

Go to your desk, takea 3.14 form from the right-hand drawer and click your notebook on itin inventory. Take the elevator to the 'B' level and pick up your gun fromSIDS. Question Julie Chester.Yo Money's HouseClick your notebook on the body outline on the lawn. Walk towards thehouse. Search the bushes in front of Yo Money's front door. You will find ared shoe.

Knock on the front door and show your badge to thebodyguard. Inside, show the shoe to Yo Money's girlfriend. Talkto Yo Money about his enemies.MorgueTalk to Sam Nobles about the body of the slain officer, Rene Garcia.Parker CenterWear your Parker Center ID. Give the completed 3.14 form to Hal.

Click thehand icon on the computer in the rear of the office. Enter serial number 612and the password GUNNER. Select HATE CRIMES from the main menu. Type in thename that Yo Money mentioned: Walker.

Click on CANCEL. Click on LOGOUT.South Central L.A.Go to Mrs. Washington's house and question LaSondra about the lady she saw.Dennis WalkerKnock on the door and when Dennis Walker answers, show him your badge.Click the talk icon on him. Inside Dennis Walker's apartment, talk tohim again. Before you touch his radio, be sure to save your game!Save your game.

You must act quickly. Take the gun from your inventoryand click it on Dennis Walker's girlfriend. Select the talk icon and clickit on her twice, once to make her freeze, and once to drop the weapon.Once she is kneeling with her hands on her head, immediately take thehandcuffs from inventory and click them on her.Parker CenterReturn to Parker Center. Click the hand icon on yourdesk. Take the memo from your in-box.

Inside your inventory, click the eyeicon on the memo to read it. Go to the Hickman's house and talk to Katherine.When you leave the Hickman's house you will automatically go to the Short Stopbar.Short Stop BarTake some pretzels from the bowl on the table. Talk to Sam and Julie.WednesdayCity HallSave your game.

Walk to the front. Respond to the questions. When DennisWalker starts to attack you, quickly take the gun from your inventory andclick it on him. Click the talk icon on Dennis Walker first to make himfreeze and second to make him drop his weapon.

When Dennis Walker iskneeling with his hands on his head, immediately take the handcuffs fromyour inventory and click them on him.Parker CenterTalk to Hal Bottoms. Take a 3.14 form from your desk and click the notebookon it.

Give the 3.14 form to Hal.Target RangeTake a green form from the counter at the target range. Give it to theofficer who works there. Pick up the box of ammo and the head gear. Exit thescreen to the right. In the firing range screen, walk forward. Take thehead gear from inventory and click it on John Carey. When you are ready toqualify, take the gun from inventory and click it on the view of the firingrange.When your gun is set to low ready, wait for a target to appear.Quickly aim and fire at the targets.

When it's time to reload, open yourinventory and click the ammo on your gun. When you are finished give thehead gear to Bert on the way out.MorgueVisit Sam and question him.Impound LotShow your badge at the window to get the code for the day. Talk to theyardman to give him the code and question him about the patrol car. Click thehand icon on the patrol car.

Take the newspaper clipping from the car seat.Click the eye icon on the newspaper clipping to read it.Griffith ParkGive the dog the pretzels you picked up at the Short Stop bar. If youdon't have the pretzels, you can go back to the bar and get them by clickingthe hand icon on one of the bowls on the tables. After the dog leaveGriffith Park, walk to the tree with the yellow police banner around it. Inthe close-up view, click the hand icon on the disturbed dirt. Take theplastic bags from the homicide kit in inventory and click them on the bonethat is revealed.MorgueQuestion Sam about the bodies in the car. Give him the bone you unearthedat Griffith Park.Holly and VineQuestion the man in front of Ragin' Records and the Bitty Kitty Club.

Enterthe Bitty Kitty Club. If the club is not open yet, you need to look atthe newspaper clipping from the patrol car at the Impound Lot.

Inside theBitty Kitty, show your badge to Electra and question her. Show her the shoeyou found at Yo Money's house. Question her about Barbie.

Light hercigarette with the lighter that is on the bar. Leave the Bitty Kitty, andpick up the mirror that is laying on the street next to your car. EnterRagin' Records and question the proprietor. Return to the Bitty Kitty,show your badge to Barbie and question her.

Show her the shoe.MorgueGo to the L.A. County Morgue. You should see a news team questioning Sherryand the day will end. If this doesn't happen, you have missed something.Did you get the newspaper clipping from the patrol car at the Impound Lot?Did you look at the clipping in your inventory? Did you go to the BittyKitty and question Electra and Barbie after showing them your badge?

Did youshow them both the shoe from Yo Money's house? Did you question theproprietor of Ragin' Records about the patrol car and the abandoned car? Didyou give the bone from Griffith Park to the coroner?ThursdayMorgueQuestion Sam about the Skeletal Remains and John and Jane Doe. Go to SIDS andquestion Julie Chester.

In your office, fill out a 3.14 form and give it toHal. Click on the door in the back of the office to talk to LieutenantBlock.Impound LotClick your badge on the Impound Lot window. Enter the lot through the gateon the right. Talk to the yardman to give him the code word and thenagain to question him about the car.

Look at the car license plate andwrite down the number: E2BSY669.Parker CenterBack in your office at Parker Center log in to the computer. Select DMV.Enter the license plate number E2BSY669. Select CANCEL and then LOGOUT toexit the computer.Health OfficeShow your badge to Nora. Question her. In Luella Parker's office, click theeye icon on the desk. Pick up the case files and the audio tape.

LeaveLuella's office and question Nora again. In inventory, click the eye iconon the case files and note the names.Holly and VineEnter Ragin' Records and give the audio tape to the proprietor. Click theeye icon on the counter.

Click the hand icon on a drumstick. Take thedrumstick from the counter. Leave the record store and go next door to theBitty Kitty Club. Question Barbie Cann about Luella Parker.Third Eye TheaterClick the hand icon on the ticket booth.

Show your badge to the man inthe booth. Click the hand icon on the theater doors on theleft to enter the theater lobby. Question Mitchell Thurman about LuellaParker. Drink the tea he offers you. Enter the movie theater by clicking thehand icon on the doors to the right of the concession stand. After the dreamsequence, leave the theater and go to South Central.South Central L.A.Enter the burned-out building and take the piece of rope from the boxes.Griffith ParkClick the rope you got from the burned-out building on the dog.End of the gameMysterious PlaceClick the hand icon on the homicide kit.

Take the pry bar and click it onthe double doors to the left.Take the flashlight from the homicide kit and click it on the screen. Movethe flashlight beam around until you find a wooden door. Moving theflashlight beam near the edge of the screen will allow you to examine adifferent wall. Take the putty knife from the homicide kit and click it onthe wooden door. Click the hand icon on the door to open it.Click the glue on the drumstick. Click the mirror from your car onthe drumstick. You now have a makeshift periscope!

Click this device on thecrack in the door at the top of the stairs. When you see a 'coast is clear'message, click the hand icon on the door to enter the kitchen. Open therefrigerator to make a shocking discovery.Give the dog the bottle of sedatives you got from Bob Hickman's closet.Open the closet. Click the hand icon on the rug in the closet.

Click thehand icon on the secret trap-door. At the bottom of the ladder, exittowards the rear of the storage room. Note the woman in the theaterseats. Exit to the theater lobby at the top of the screen. In the theaterlobby, there are three soft drink cans on the display case. Take the one onthe right. In inventory, click the hand icon on the can to reveal askeleton key.

Return to the movie theater and click the skeleton key onthe door to the right of the movie screen. Use the flashlight from thehomicide kit.There is no way to avoid being attacked by the psycho.Pick up the ball and throw it out the window.Take the can of hair spray from the medicine cabinet in the bathroom. Returnto the refrigerator and take the cigarette lighter from the corpse's mouth.Save your game. Stuntwoman. Before you enter the room at the end of the hall, click thelighter on the hair spray to make a torch. Enter the room at the end ofthe hall and click the torch on the murderer.

Police Quest 4: Open Season is the fourth instalment of the classic Police Quest series and this time focuses on the adventures of homicide detective John Carey. The game begins with John at the scene of the murder of his best friend and ex-partner. As the story progresses more people will be murdered until you can eventually put the clues together to close in on the murderer.Police Quest: Open Season was released in 1993 by Sierra On-Line and features a vast improvement in graphics and game play. It attempts to provide a realistic view of what it’s like to be in the police force. The story was put together by Daryl Gates, a retired Police Chief of the Los Angeles Police Department.

Police Quest 4 Walkthrough Murder SceneSpeak with everyone and then use your Notebook to look at the body and cigarette. Use your notebook with the graffiti on the wall. Use your Keys to open the trunk of your car and take the Homicide Kit. Look at the body again and use the Chalk on the body and the cigarette to make an outline. Open the dumpster and use the Notebook on the body. Close the dumpster and then talk to everyone again until they have nothing more to say.

MondayParker CenterOnce Lt. Block has finished speaking leave the room. You’ll automatically go down to sit at your desk. Take the Memo from your desk and read it. Open the top drawer on the left and take the Photo.

Open the top drawer on the right and take 3.14 Report. Look at the Photo and take note of the number. Use the Notebook on the 3.14 Report and then give it to Hal who sits opposite you. Take another 3.14 Report and stand up.Use the computer at the back of the room and enter your ID, 612, and password, GUNNER. Look at Gang Information and choose “Rude boys get bail”. Read all the information about them and then leave to the left.

Enter the elevator and go to the Lobby. Use the Spare Change on the candy machine and take the Chocolate Bar. Leave the building. When you’re bothered by a reporter on the way out use the Hand icon to push your way past her. On the map select the LA County Morgue.LA County MorgueEnter the building, talk to Sherry and show her your Badge. Enter and talk to Russ.

Pick up the 2 Personal Belongings Envelopes on the counter to his right. Continue through to the next room, use the Notebook on the Hickman’s head and then talk to Sam. Ask him about everything and then use the Notebook on him. Leave the building and go to the Target RangeLA Police AcademyEnter the building and take the 13.5.1 Buff from the counter.

The forms are on the right side in some kind of blue box. You’ll automatically fill it out.

Give the form to Bert and then use your Wallet on him to pay for the session. Take the Ammo and Head Gear. Take the gun and shoot the targets when they appear. You’ll have a few second to put as many bullets into each target as possible. When told by the instructor, open your inventory and reload your gun. When the session is over walk back to the counter and give the Head Gear back to Bert. Open the map and drive to Hickman’s House.Hickman’s HouseKnock on the front door and speak to the girl, Valerie, who opens the door.

Wait for Katherine to enter the room and give her Hickman’s Personal Belongings. Talk to her until she runs off. Speak with Valerie until she mentions the closet. Open the closet and look inside one of the jackets to find a bottle of Pills. Leave and go back to the alley.South Central LAWalk up the screen to the other end of the alley. Look at the bullet holes in the wall. Open your Kit and take out the Putty Knife.

Use the knife on each of the bullet holes to loosen them. Use a Plastic Bag from your Kit on each of the Bullets to take them.Open the door at the end of the alley and talk to the guys loitering around. Use your Notebook on the one who agrees to help.

Walk east twice to the Mini Mart and use your Badge on the drunk guy outside. Give him some Change. Talk to him and use the Notebook on him. Enter the store and show your Badge to the lady at the counter. Talk to her and use your Notebook on her. Take an Apple from the counter and some Glue from the stand to the right. Use your Wallet on her to pay for the items and then leave the store.Walk to the east until you see a little girl sitting down.

Show her your Badge. If you try to talk to her before showing your badge she’ll run off.

If she runs off leave the screen and come back. Give the girl an Apple and then talk to her about everything. Walk to the east and show your Badge to Mrs. Give her the Envelope with Bobby Washington’s Belongings.

Walk back to your car and leave.Parker CenterEnter the building and use your ID on yourself. Take the lift to “B”.

Speak to Chester and then give her the Glue and the Pills for her to look at. Head back to the lift and press “4”. Walk into the room and give Teddy the Bag of Bullets.

When he asks where you want them stored select “Shelf Storage”.Walk back to the lift and press “3”. Sit down at your desk and answer the phone. It’s the guy from the alley and he wants to meet you. Give the Crime Scene Report to Hal and then take the lift to “L”. SAVE the game and then drive to South Central LA.South Central LAAs soon as you arrive quickly duck down behind your car by using the Walk icon. Open your inventory and use the Kevlar Vest on yourself. This will give you a little more time.

Crawl to the right, to the back of the car and use the Keys to open the trunk. Use the keys to unlock the Shotgun on the left side of the trunk and take it. Open your inventory and take the Shotgun. When the gunman appears take aim and fire.

You’ll have a few chances to shoot him. Once he’s been hit other Police Officers will arrive and the day will end. TuesdayParker CenterAfter getting a grilling from the boss leave his office. Use your Notebook on the 3.14 Report and give it to Hal.

Sit down at your desk and take another 3.14 Report. Take the lift to “B”. Speak with Chester for an update and then open up the map.Yo Money’s EstateYo Money’s Estate should now be on your map. Head over there and use the Notebook on the crime scene. Walk towards the house one screen and look in the bushes to the right. Take the Woman’s Shoe and use the Notebook on the bushes.Knock on the door, show your Badge to the security guard, talk to him and show him the Shoe. Enter and speak to both Yo Money and his Girlfriend.

Show the Shoe to both of them. When the phone rings and the girlfriend is chatting quickly grab the Cigarette from the bowl on the table.La County MorgueEnter the building and show your Badge to Sherry.

Go through and talk to Russ. Continue to the next room and talk to Sam who’ll invite you out to the Short Stop Bar after work.LA Police AcademyThis isn’t necessary but you can head back to the firing range for some extra points and practice. In my version the game crashed once I tried to leave the range so you may want to skip this part.Parker CenterWear your ID and take the lift to level 3. Use the computer and choose Hate Crimes. Type in Walker and read the information about him.

Use the Notebook on the 3.14 Form. Give the Form to Hal and take a new 3.14 from your desk.South Central LAWalk over to Mrs. Washington and speak to her.

Speak to the child who tells you she knows a secret. Ask her about everything and then use the Notebook on her.Dennis Walker’s PlaceKnock on the door and show your Badge to the man. Talk to the man and he’ll let you in. Talk to him twice but he says he can’t hear you because the music is too loud. SAVE your game. Turn the music down.

When you do Walker makes a run for it and his girlfriend enters with a knife. Quickly take out your Gun and click it on her. Talk to her twice and then use the Cuffs to arrest her.Parker CenterBack at the station Mrs. Garcia will talk to you before storming out. Take the Memo from your desk and then read it.

Use the Notebook on the 3.14 Form and give it to Hal. Take another 3.14 Form from your desk.Hickman’s HouseEnter and speak with Katherine. When you leave you’ll automatically go to the bar to meet up with your friends.Short Stop BarTake some Pretzels from the bowl. Speak with your friends, Sam and Julie, until you’re interrupted by your boss who tells you to go home and get some rest. WednesdayCity HallSAVE your game. Walk to the front podium.

You’ll get a barrage of questions. You can try to answer a few if you want. After the judge questions you Walker will stand up and attack you. Quickly take your Gun out and click it on him. Talk to him twice and then Cuff him.Parker CenterUse the Notebook on the 3.14 Form and give it to Hal.

Take a new Form and then talk to Hal about any new developments.LA Police AcademyEnter the building and take a 13.5.0 Form. Give it to Bert and take the Ammo and Head Gear. You don’t need to pay for this test. Walk east to the range, wear the Head Gear and take the test. Once it’s complete give the Head Gear back to Bert and leave.Impound LotShow your Badge at the window to get the pass phrase for the day. Walk east and speak with the man. Open the patrol car door and take the Newspaper Clipping.

Open your inventory and read the Clipping.LA County MorgueEnter and speak with Sam about everything.Griffith ParkThe dog won’t let you near the crime scene so give the Pretzels to the dog and he’ll run off. Look at the crime scene. Use the Hand icon on the ground and you’ll uncover a bone. Use a Plastic Bag to take the bone and then use the Notebook on the crime scene.LA County MorgueEnter and give the Bone to Sam. Talk to him about any new developments.Hollywood and VineShow the man standing outside your Badge and question him about everything. Enter the Kitty Bitty, door is on the right, and show your Badge to Electra, the girl sitting at the bar. Show her the Shoe and question her about everything.

Leave and enter the store on the left. Show the man your Badge and ask him about everything. Leave and enter the Kitty Bitty again. This time the proprietor will be at the bar. Show her your Badge and ask her about everything.LA County MorgueWhen you arrive you’ll see that the reporters have arrive.

Enter and the day is supposed to end.The Day Won’t End!If the day won’t end you’re not alone. This is the official spoiler from Sierra Help.Go to the L.A. County Morgue. You should see a news team questioning Sherry and the day will end. If this doesn’t happen, you have missed something. Did you get the newspaper clipping from the patrol car at the Impound Lot?

Did you look at the clipping in your inventory? Did you go to the Bitty Kitty and question Electra and Barbie after showing them your badge? Did you show them both the shoe from Yo Money’s house? Did you question the proprietor of Ragin’ Records about the patrol car and the abandoned car? Did you give the bone from Griffith Park to the coroner?Even after going through all of those steps the day still wouldn’t end and no reporters could be seen at the morgue. I assumed it was a bug but if you see something I’ve missed let me know. For those of you who could get past this day continue reading for Thursday.

ThursdayLA County MorgueTalk with Sam about everything.Parker CenterTake the lift down to the Basement and speak with Chester about everything.Impound LotShow your Badge at the window to get the password for the day. Walk to the east and speak with the man. Look at the license plate of the vehicle and write it down “E2BSY669”.Parker CenterPut your ID on and take the lift to your office. Use the computer and login (ID: 612 and Password: Gunner).

Choose “DMV” and type in “E2BSY669”.Social Services OfficeHead over to Social Service and show your Badge to Nora, the woman sitting at the desk. Speak with her until you enter Luella Parker’s Office. Look at the desk and take the Tape and Cage Files. Outside the office speak with Nora again and then leave.Hollywood and VineEnter Ragin Records and give the Tape to the man. Look at the counter and use the Drumstick. When the man puts the Drumstick on the counter use the Hand icon to take it.

Open your inventory and use the Glue on the Mirror and the Glue on the Drumstick. Use the Mirror on the Drumstick. Leave and enter Kitty Bitty. Show the Shoe to Barbie Cann once more and talk to her.Third Eye TheaterClick on the ticket booth and show your Badge to Mitchell Thurman.

Talk to him and then enter through the left door. Speak wtih Mitchell again. Drink the Tea and then go through the right door.South Central LAEnter the building and take the Rope from on top of the boxes.Griffith ParkUse the Rope to catch the dog.The AlleyUse the Prybar on the door to break it open.The Dark RoomUse your Flashlight and then use the Knife on the door knob. Use the door knob and them use the Mirror and Drumstick on the crack in the door. Enter the room.The RoomOpen the refrigerator and use the Notebook on the head. Close the fridge and leave the room.

Go to the next room and use the Pills with the dog. Go up and to the right. Open the double doors and look at the carpet. Use the Hand icon on the carpet and use the Notebook on the Shoe and trapdoor. Open the trapdoor and go through.Third Eye TheaterUse the Notebook on the woman sleeping on the chair.

Pick up the Coca-Cola can and use the Hand icon on it to shake it. You’ll find a Key. Enter the movie theater. A woman in red will carry the sleeping woman away.

Use the Key on the door to the right. Use your Flashlight in the dark room. The woman will hit you over the head and take all of your stuff.The RoomTake the ball and throw it out the window.

Look out the window. Head to the kitchen and open the fridge. Take the Lighter from the mouth of the head. Close the fridge. Go to the bathroom and open the medicine cabinet.

Take the Hairspray. Open your inventory and use the Hairspray with the Lighter. Leave the room and enter the room with the trapdoor. Use the makeshift Flamethrower on the killer to complete the game.