Superpower Chess List

вторник 21 апреляadmin


Chess software comes in different forms. A chess playing program provides a graphical chessboard on which one can play a chess game against a computer. Such programs are available for personal computers, video game consoles, smartphones/tablet computers or mainframes/supercomputers.A chess engine generates moves, but is accessed via a command-line interface with no graphics. Villains and Vigilantes was the first role-playing game designed by Jack Herman and Jeff Dee and featuring illustrations by Dee. Fantasy Games Unlimited published the first edition of Villains and Vigilantes in 1979. The second edition of Villains and Vigilantes was published in 1982 with significant.

Superpower Chess List
  • 1A very powerful and influential nation (used especially with reference to the US and the former Soviet Union when these were perceived as the two most powerful nations in the world)

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    ‘the threat to oil supplies brought the two superpowers closer together’
    • ‘The first occasion was the collapse of the Soviet superpower enemy and of Communism as an ideology.’
    • ‘It is very difficult to be capitalist when there is a communist superpower invading most of Eastern Europe and trying to do the same in Africa and South America.’
    • ‘When Bobby Fischer met Boris Spassky at the 1972 World Chess Championship, the event was redolent with the superpower politics of the Cold War.’
    • ‘As the Cold War developed, the two superpowers jockeyed for position.’
    • ‘It is the kind of behavior that historically has caused nations to unite against previous superpowers, from the Roman Empire to Britain.’
    • ‘One of the good things about being a superpower is that countries the world over want to tie their economic fortunes to yours.’
    • ‘Not long before I was born, the country had won a big war, had become a superpower, and had aggressively begun to insert itself into the international landscape.’
    • ‘Thus, China's development as a superpower is beginning to concern its neighbours and the USA.’
    • ‘The Cold War is over: the strategic forces of the superpowers are standing down while their nuclear arsenals are shrinking dramatically.’
    • ‘It does not become an economic superpower but it does become a ‘newly industrialized country’, like Malaysia, Taiwan and South Korea.’
    • ‘Third, Beijing is likely to emerge as an exporting superpower, aggravating America's trade deficit and fanning protectionist pressures in a slumping world economy.’
    • ‘The end of the Cold War and the emergence of the United States as the only superpower raised several questions concerning the direction of the country's foreign policy.’
    • ‘In India, though, citizens believe the millennium marks a new era in which their country will emerge as a world superpower.’
    • ‘Another commercial row between two of the world's economic superpowers involves a facet of America's tax code.’
    • ‘The audience was unsure of what would happen to him just as Americans are unsure of what will happen to them entering the second millennium as the world's only financially and culturally dominant superpower.’
    • ‘But what is also clear from this action is how Bosnia and Herzegovina from a powerful state that once was a part of sovereign Yugoslavia, has slid down so steeply to become a fragile, vulnerable state at the mercy of the world's superpower.’
    • ‘Efforts to greatly expand education could determine whether India is a future economic superpower or if it will be burdened with the world's biggest population of poor illiterates.’
    • ‘If you're looking to find the next economic superpower, you have to realize that most emerging markets stay emerging markets.’
    • ‘The United States is unquestionably the world's only military superpower, but this is not the case in economic terms.’
    • ‘Instead of naming that government, let's just call it government X. Government X has decided that it should be the world's only superpower and that it should stand in judgment over all countries in the world.’
  • 2(in fiction) an exceptional or extraordinary power or ability.

    • ‘The comic book is about a city where every citizen and many of the cats wear costumes and have superpowers.’
    • ‘Characters who have super-powers need anchoring in reality to make them believable.’
    • ‘He-Man just uses his superpowers to throw the city back to its place.’
    • ‘She has superpowers with which to vanquish a personal archnemesis.’
    • ‘He had no superpowers to fend them off.’
    • ‘Because Spider Man is so human, we see his superpowers are really just an extension of his bravery in the face of adversity.’
    • ‘He uses his super-powers to defeat a whole school of martial arts experts.’
    • ‘His superpowers include teleportation.’
    • ‘He has his superpowers back by the end of the show when he shoots arrows through several ropes holding hanging men, then throws his sword about fifty meters to hit first one then another guard who are menacing Much.’
    • ‘The girl gets a magic item that gives her superpowers.’
    • ‘Every superhero has a story to explain how his or her superpowers came to be.’


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