Battle Islands Commanders Videok

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For Battle Islands: Commanders on the PC, GameFAQs hosts videos from GameSpot and submitted by users. May 14, 2017  Battle Islands: Commanders - The appearance of The Juggernaut - May 11th 2017 - PS4, Xbox One - Armored legendary super-heavy tank with two armements: a cannon to target enemy emplacements and machine gun turrets to fire surrounding units.

TerritoryResultJapanese victoryBelligerentsCommanders and leadersStrengthFirst Attempt (11 December):3 light cruisers6 destroyers2 patrol boats2 troop transports1 submarine tender3 submarinesReinforcements arriving for Second Attempt (23 December):2 aircraft carriers2 heavy cruisers2 destroyers2,500 infantry449 USMC personnel consisting of:. 399 infantry of the. 506 coastal artillery pieces12 aircraft12 anti-aircraft guns68 U.S. Navy personnel5 U.S. Army personnelCasualties and lossesFirst attempt:2 destroyers sunk340 killed65 wounded2 missingSecond attempt:2 patrol boats wrecked10 aircraft lost20 aircraft damaged144 casualties52 killed49 wounded2 missing12 aircraft lost433 captured70 civilians killed1,104 civilians interned, of whom 180 died in captivity. 1940.1941.1942.The Battle of Wake Island began simultaneously with the naval and air bases in on the morning of 8 December 1941 (7 December in Hawaii), and ended on 23 December, with the surrender of the to the.

It was fought on and around the formed by and its minor islets of Peale and Wilkes Islands by the air, land, and naval forces of the Japanese Empire against those of the, with playing a prominent role on both sides.The island was held by the Japanese for the duration of the theater of; the remaining Japanese garrison on the island surrendered to a detachment of on 4 September 1945, after the earlier surrender on 2 September 1945 on the battleship in to General. Contents.Prelude January 1941, the constructed a military base on the atoll. On 19 August, the first permanent military, elements of the deployed to Wake Island under the command of Major P.S. Devereux, USMC with a force of 450 officers and men. Despite the relatively small size of the atoll, the Marines could not man all their defensive positions nor did they arrive with all their equipment, notably their air search radar units. The Marine Detachment was supplemented by Marine Corps Fighter Squadron, consisting of 12, commanded by Marine aviator Major, USMC. Also, present on the island were 68 personnel and about 1,221 civilian workers for the Civil Engineering Company.

Forty-five men (native from the and ) were employed by at the company's facilities on Wake Island, one of the stops on the trans-Pacific amphibious air service initiated in 1935. 3'/50 caliber gun aboardThe Marines were armed with six pieces, originating from the old battleship; twelve (with only a single working anti-aircraft among them); eighteen; and thirty heavy, medium and light water- and air-cooled machine guns.On 28 November, naval aviator, USN reported to Wake to assume overall command of U.S. Forces on the island. He had 10 days to examine the defenses and assess his men before war broke out.On 6 December, Japanese Submarine Division 27 (, ) was dispatched from to patrol and blockade the pending operation.On 8 December, just hours after receiving word of the (Wake being on the opposite side of the ), 36 Japanese 3 flown from bases on the attacked Wake Island, destroying eight of the 12 F4F-3 Wildcats on the ground.

The remaining four Wildcats were in the air patrolling, but because of poor visibility, failed to see the attacking Japanese bombers. These Wildcats shot down two bombers on the following day. All of the Marine garrison's defensive emplacements were left intact by the raid, which primarily targeted the aircraft. Of the 55 Marine aviation personnel, 23 were killed and 11 were wounded.Following this attack, the Pan Am employees were evacuated, along with the passengers of the ',' a passing amphibious flying boat that had survived the attack unscathed. The Chamorro working men were not allowed to board the plane and were left behind.Two more air raids followed. The main camp was targeted on 9 December, destroying the civilian hospital and the Pan Am air facility. The next day, enemy bombers focused on outlying Wilkes Island.

Following the raid on 9 December, the guns had been relocated in case the Japanese had photographed the positions. Wooden replicas were erected in their place, and the Japanese bombers attacked the decoy positions. A lucky strike on a civilian dynamite supply set off a chain reaction and destroyed the munitions for the guns on Wilkes.

First landing attempt Early on the morning of 11 December, the garrison, with the support of the four remaining Wildcats, repelled the first Japanese landing attempt by the, which included the light cruisers, and; the, and; two converted to patrol boats ( and ), submarine tender and two troop transport ships ( and ) containing 450 troops. Submarines, and patrolled nearby to secure the perimeter.The US Marines fired at the invasion fleet with their six 5-inch (127 mm).

Major Devereux, the Marine commander under Cunningham, ordered the gunners to hold their fire until the enemy moved within range of the coastal defenses. 'Battery L', on Peale islet, sank Hayate at a distance of 4,000 yd (3,700 m) with at least two direct hits to her magazines, causing her to explode and sink within two minutes, in full view of the defenders on shore. Battery A claimed to have hit Yubari several times, but her action report makes no mention of any damage.

The four Wildcats also succeeded in sinking the destroyer Kisaragi by dropping a bomb on her stern where the were stored. Both Japanese destroyers were lost with nearly all hands (there was only one survivor, from Hayate), with Hayate becoming the first Japanese surface warship to be sunk in the war.

The Japanese recorded 407 casualties during the first attempt. The Japanese force withdrew without landing, suffering their first setback of the war against the Americans.After the initial raid was fought off, American news media reported that, when queried about reinforcement and resupply, Commander Cunningham was reported to have quipped, 'Send us more Japs!' In fact, Cunningham sent a long list of critical equipment—including, spare parts, and —to his immediate superior: Commandant, 14th Naval District. But the siege and frequent Japanese air attacks on the Wake garrison continued, without resupply for the Americans.Aborted USN relief attempt. VMA-211 Insignia.Admiral 's Task Force 14 (TF–14) was tasked with the relief of Wake Island while Admiral 's was to undertake a raid on the island of in the as a diversion.TF–14 consisted of the fleet carrier, the fleet, the, three heavy cruisers (, and ), and 8 destroyers (, and ).

Japanese Patrol Boat No.32 (left) and Patrol Boat No.33The initial resistance offered by the garrison prompted the to detach the ( and ) along with its escorts Cruiser Division 8 ( and ), and Destroyer Division 17 ( and ), all fresh from the assault on Pearl Harbor; Cruiser Division 6 (, and ), destroyer, and transport from the; and Destroyer Division 29 ( and ) from the, to support the assault. The second Japanese invasion force came on 23 December, composed mostly of the ships from the first attempt plus 1,500 Japanese marines. The landings began at 02:35; after a preliminary bombardment, the ex-destroyers Patrol Boat No. 32 and Patrol Boat No. 33 were beached and burned in their attempts to land the invasion force. After a full night and morning of fighting, the Wake garrison surrendered to the Japanese by mid-afternoon.The US Marines lost 49 killed, two missing, and 49 wounded during the 15-day siege, while three US Navy personnel and at least 70 US civilians were killed, including 10 Chamorros, and 12 civilians wounded. 433 US personnel were captured.

Japanese losses were 144 casualties, 140 SNLF and Army casualties with another 4 aboard ships. At least 28 land-based and carrier aircraft were also either shot down or damaged. The Japanese captured all men remaining on the island, the majority of whom were civilian contractors employed by the Company., one of the pilots from VMF-211, was awarded the for his action on the island during the second landing attempt, having shot down two Japanese and sunk the Japanese destroyer. A special military decoration, the, affixed to either the or the, was created to honor those who had fought in the defense of the island.Japanese occupation.

Attack by Yorktown planes in October 1943Fearing an imminent invasion, the Japanese reinforced Wake Island with more formidable defenses. The American captives were ordered to build a series of bunkers and fortifications on Wake.

The Japanese brought in an 8-inch (200 mm) naval gun which is often incorrectly reported as having been captured in Singapore. Navy established a submarine blockade instead of an amphibious invasion of Wake Island. As a result, the Japanese garrison starved, which led to their hunting the, an endemic bird, to extinction.On 24 February 1942, aircraft from the carrier attacked the Japanese garrison on Wake Island.

Forces bombed the island periodically from 1942 until Japan's surrender in 1945. On 24 July 1943, led by Lieutenant Jesse Stay of the 42nd Squadron (11th Bombardment Group) of the, in transit from, struck the Japanese garrison on Wake Island. At least two men from that raid were awarded for their efforts. Future President also flew his first combat mission as a over Wake Island. After this, Wake was occasionally raided but never attacked en masse.War crimes. The 98 rockOn 5 October 1943, American naval aircraft from raided Wake.

Two days later, fearing an imminent invasion, Japanese Rear Admiral ordered the execution of the 98 captive American civilian workers who had initially been kept to perform forced labor. They were taken to the northern end of the island, blindfolded and executed with a machine gun. One of the prisoners (whose name has never been discovered) escaped, apparently returning to the site to carve the message '98 US PW 5-10-43' on a large coral rock near where the victims had been hastily buried in a mass grave.

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The unknown American was recaptured, and Sakaibara personally beheaded him with a. The inscription on the rock can still be seen and is a Wake Island landmark.On 4 September 1945, the remaining Japanese garrison surrendered to a detachment of United States Marines under the command of Brigadier General, with the handover being officially conducted in a brief ceremony aboard the destroyer escort. Earlier the garrison received news that Imperial Japan's defeat was imminent, so mass grave was quickly exhumed and the bones were moved to the U.S. Cemetery that had been established on Peacock Point after the invasion, with wooden crosses erected in preparation for the expected arrival of U.S.

During the initial interrogations, the Japanese claimed that the remaining 98 Americans on the island were mostly killed by an American bombing raid, though some escaped and fought to the death after being cornered on the beach at the north end of Wake Island. Several Japanese officers in American custody committed suicide over the incident, leaving written statements that incriminated Sakaibara. Sakaibara and his subordinate, Lt.

Tachibana, were later sentenced to death after conviction for this and other war crimes. Sakaibara was executed by hanging in Guam on June 18, 1947, while Tachibana's sentence was commuted to life in prison. The remains of the murdered civilians were exhumed and reburied at Section G of the, commonly known as, on Honolulu. Order of battle American forces. Commandant, 14th Naval District. Island Commander, Wake.Detachment, Wake – MajorUnitCommanderRemarks5-inch Artillery GroupMaj.

PotterBatteries A, B and L3-inch Artillery GroupCapt. GodboldBatteries D, E and F(Marine Corps Fighter Squadron)Maj.Equipped with 12 fighters. A memorial to the Wake Island defenders stands near the command post of Major Devereux In popular culture The battle is depicted in the 1942 movie.The battle is prominently referenced in 's 1994 film when 's character, Captain Koons, describes how prize-fighter Butch Coolidge's grandfather, Dane, took part in and was killed in action at the Battle of Wake Island.

Knowing that he would be killed in the coming assault, Dane gives the wristwatch, which the story arc in that part of the film later revolves around to a stranger on a transport ship, requesting it be taken home, where it would eventually, via several painful insertions, find its way back to the young Butch.The battle was prominently featured in the video game, and its popularity inspired renditions of mostly-ahistorical fictional battles on the island in several later installments of the series. To date it has also been featured in, Battlefield 4 and.Notes. See also:. Burton. Fortnight of Infamy: The Collapse of Allied Airpower West of Pearl Harbor. US Naval Institute Press.

(1997) First published 1947. The story of Wake Island. Nashville: Battery Press. Dull, Paul (2007). A Battle History of the Imperial Japanese Navy, 1941-1945. Naval Institute Press.

Sloan, Bill (2003). New York: Bantam Books. Uwrin, Gregory J.W. Facing Fearful Odds: The Siege of Wake Island. University of Nebraska Press.Further reading. Dennis, Jim Moran (2011).

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Wake Island 1941: a battle to make the gods weep. Osprey Campaign Series. Illustrated by Peter Dennis. Oxford: Osprey Pub. Urwin, Gregory J.W. Victory in defeat: the Wake Island defenders in captivity, 1941-1945.

Annapolis, Md.: Naval Institute Press.External links.