Ragnarok Odyssey Ace Ps Vita

понедельник 20 апреляadmin

Since being a new owner of a PS Vita I'm playing catch up on many games, but one game that caught my eye was Ragnarok Odyssey Ace that.

Since we first announced our action RPG Ragnarok Odyssey ACE back in May, we’ve gotten all kinds of questions, the most popular among them being, “What exactly is Ragnarok Odyssey ACE?” Fans want to know if it’s a DLC expansion for the original Ragnarok Odyssey, if it’s a whole new game, whether your character and/or story progress carries over, and so on. Because I’ve got a minute, in between proofreading ACE’s script and heading out to the voiceover studio, I wanted to answer some of those questions now.Ragnarok Odyssey ACE is a full game — a revised and expanded version of the original. We’ll be releasing it early next year in North America for both and, and up to four players will be able to cross-play between the two platforms.Both versions will retail for $39.99. As a “thank you” to returning players on the handheld, ACE’s Vita version will ship with a bonus soundtrack CD, with 25 songs — including one very nice composition from Nobuo Uematsu, called “Roar of the Black Dragon.”Players with existing Ragnarok Odyssey saves can import their character’s physical appearance, voice, job class, and cards (except for those equipped to clothing at the time of the transfer — those don’t carry over, and neither do cards acquired by “near”).

If you’ve downloaded any of the original game’s DLC, you can bring it over to ACE just by re-downloading it from PlayStation Store.New players and returning veterans will both take the campaign from the top, but that’s because there’s new content throughout the main story. Likewise, there are new Trophies to earn, so your Trophies from the original will stay with the original while ACE offers more Trophies for your collection.So what kinds of new content are we talking about?

To begin with, there are new skills, items, and quests, including a new 100-floor dungeon called the Tower of Yggdrasil.More than that, we’ll be bringing over the Japanese version’s expansion patches. The 1.10 patch, which launches in Japan this week, adds new features including daily quests, online rankings, log-in bonuses, random card draws, and special rare random card draws. Our version won’t launch with it, but we’ll be releasing the patch as free post-launch content, so players will have some new features to look forward to after launch.

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And that’s just 1.10Sorry to tease and run, but I’ve got to finish this pile of proofreading and finish getting ready for the studio tomorrow. Until next time, thanks as always for keeping the questions coming, and stay tuned for more updates as we get closer to launch.

I hope XSEED reads this on things to hopefully improve with ACE.1. PLEASE improve the rates of getting refinement procs. Nobody enjoys repeatedly refining, failing the proc, and reloading the game 30+ times for an hour just to boost the abilities on a weapon. This philosophy is NOT fun. I understand that a proc needs to be there (sometimes you don’t want your skill to upgrade), but please increase it from the low 1-5%.2. Improve Online/Multiplayer Stability.

Need some help here.The other day bought Guild Wars Trilogy &Game of the year Edition. No ownership of the assets presented here is intended to be implied by the author, and each copyright holder retains full ownership over any reference image. When i type my AccountName and Password, and when i press to Log In i got this error messagethe email addres was not found. Guild wars factions key. Then i choose thechoice 'Create Account or Add Access Key' and it leads me to a screenwith two choices: 1st Add the access key to an existing guild warsaccount. Yesterday I created a new account onfor guildwars.Then i open the game.

Hopefully this comes along with each content patch. Too many times I’d be playing online and someone’s connection drops, everyone lags, and half the time it boots us all out in the process.Otherwise, fantastic game! Loved everything else to the game and looking forward to playing this one as well! I’m one or two days away from Platinum on this game.:)Keep up the great work! Hey XSEED,I just wanted to say that I deeply respect your work in bringing these kinds of titles over. Even though I’m a digital guy, I also respect your commitment to physical copies for those who like that stuff.

The Vita has lots of Japan-only games that look interesting, and without you (and some of your compatriots) we’d never see these games. So thanks for that.I’d be interested in a digital preorder bonus with the soundtrack. PSN has several soundtracks available on it, and I’ve enjoyed that format through which they’re distributed. I wouldn’t ask you to go out of your way to do something that may be difficult or add cost, but I would certainly find it to be a nice sweetener. I also love preordering digitally.Also, you probably can’t comment on this, but have you guys ever spoken with SEGA about doing localization for them?

PSO2 and Yakuza 5 are sorely missed over here. Cross Buy.Why are companies ignoring this crucial factor!!??It is a reason, I have not purchased Dragon’s crown.I have 4 boys, and including, myself that makes 5. We all vary in our console use, yet we all have one.Which gets expensive.All I ask is why???Crossbuy, allows us to buy the systems, and yet still be able to play a majority of the gamesthat is without giving up a lung.And should I no longer have to use the portable, would very much like to still have it on my PS4/PS3.I should not have to keep rebuying the SAME game, when it was a marketing factor of the Vita.Anyway.Think about it.

Not very interested in this one though,the game is missing some of the key elements, that make this type of gameplay fun.Tactics.There seem to be so many of these games, so very close to what would be a great game,and yet missing some of the most important things MMORPG’s have had, that have made it so addictive(worth playing).I would do a little more research on games like Everquest, and Dark Age of Camelot. (Even Star Wars of The Old Republic)-Things like crowd control and tactical hunting spots, with better AI.-Techniques that are not overpowered, and based more on strategy. (Not how powerful of a weapon I use)-For online, of course like a battleground (arena).I know that with a Vita it is limited, but with the proper mapping, a zone could be made to make the game appear larger.( Even Killzone seems fairly large with the right attentions to detail).-Good luck in hopes that you are trying to make a game worth playing, instead of another way to pay bills at the expense of kids that are wanting the fun you advertised.