Minion Masters Ranks

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Minion stuck In loading bar Minion. After the last beta I seem to have lost the ability to run Minion. I open it and updated but then it gets stuck on a loading screen with the client in the back ground. Bruce them all. Aug 18, 2019  Minion Masters playerbase has been steadily growing the last few weeks due to the free dlc and a lot of giveaways & fresh content. With a lot of changes, buffs and nerfs done to previous Minion Masters Decks a lot of players have been wondering what are the strong meta cards and Minion Masters.

This guide is designed to help newer players at minion masters, it talks about strategy and deck building ideas.

Core Concepts

Minion masters is a tug of war PVP game. It’s like rock paper scissors in many ways too. However, there are many other factors too. In this tutorial, I will be covering the basics as well as some other important things about the game. The objective is to play cards to kill the opponent’s base with these cards. Cards cost mana, mana is generated over time, increasing throughout the match. There is also a limit of 10 mana for how long you can save up for. Cards have different mana costs, the higher mana cost cards tend to be stronger, for balancing purposes.
You can select which cards you want to play in the main menu. It’s very important to select the right cards to make the right deck if you want to win more. There are 3 types of cards: spells, buildings, and minions. Minions and buildings also have different attack types. They are either melee, ranged, special, or they don’t attack at all. There are also air or ground unit minion types. (all buildings are ground and they decay over time) With these types, some 'counter” others, for example, many melee units counter ranged units because of their higher stats. (they have higher stats because melee is a disadvantage) Other examples include: Most ranged units counter air units, flying units counter most melee units, and many buildings counter big pushes.
There are also a speed, heath, damage, attack speed, and 'targets” categories for minions and buildings, buildings don’t move though. Examples of the differences between these stats can be: slow units can allow you to build up more mana and claim the bridges for longer, most slow melee units are countered by ranged units though because they take awhile to get to the ranged units to attack, fast units can get to ranged units faster which especially helps with melee units. High health cards like living statue, warrior, and troubadour can tank for the lower health cards which do more damage for their health value when compared to the mana cost. Finally, targeting, not all units can hit air, for example, most melee units can’t hit air, whereas, most ranged cards can hit air, most units can hit ground. However, some units can only hit buildings, making them usually go for face in order to kill the enemy master, otherwise, they would attack one of the opponent’s buildings that the opponent put down. Higher DPS (damage per second) units with low health are good to protect because they do a lot while dying really fast if they get hit. Units with high damage and no area damage usually have low attack speed (for balance) making them deal damage way less efficiently because they overkill (dealing more damage in one hit than it can take) smaller units like the scrat can mean overkilling a unit. Area damage units are great at clumps of units.

Pushing and Key Concepts

Keep in mind that the game is not only about counters; pushing is big component too! The basic idea of pushing is to attack your enemy’s master, if you don’t eventually attack the enemy’s master, then you will inevitably lose, so, try to attack the enemy in some way. However, defense is an advantage since you have more control over where you want to put your cards and you have your master to help. There are many details to killing the enemy master though. Lets just look at one of the main ways of pushing, using a normal push deck. First, you do a slow push to save mana to stay on defence as long as possible, then you slowly stack up on mana, playing the slowest units possible making sure to save as much mana while you’re on defence, then, you send some troops in for the attack, saving some mana for spells to answer your opponent’s cards. 2nd way, is if your opponent fights on the bridge, then, you just answer accordingly since you should usually have the advantage if your using a normal push deck with rammers, living statues, etc.
'EXP” is another big part of the game, So don’t think pushing is everything. It’s a resource that you get from bridge shrines (a building card that gives 'EXP” over time) and owning bridges, being the most recent person to put a unit on one of the bridges. ('EXP” is also slowly generated over time) The 'bridges” are the middle point of the map on the top and bottom. 'EXP” gives you perks, each master has their own perks, these give various effects that are based on the master you pick. There are four perks for every master, they are unlocked at 20 'EXP,” 60 'EXP,” 120 'EXP,” and 200 'EXP” every master has the same 200 EXP perk, 'mana frenzy”. It’s basically sudden death! When a player gets 'mana frenzy”, their 'EXP” turns directly into mana, giving them a reasonable amount of mana from the passive 'EXP” generation and for each bridge controlled by whoever gets 'mana frenzy”. Sadly though, bridge shrine doesn’t work very well in 'mana frenzy” since it decays three times faster during it.
There is also another main type of gameplay out there; decks can use their minions to claim the bridges for as long as possible to gain lots of 'EXP”. 'EXP” is used to power a masters’ perks. Masters have a basic attack thats’ a big help to defence. Perks gives advantages that masters can get if you gain more 'EXP” than your opponent over the match. These decks have either have cheap minions, or splittable units (cards that deploy multiple cards which can be placed at the middle of your side to have some of the units to go both ways) to cheaply claim the bridge. There are 2 ways to claim the bridges, to wait for your opponent to claim them so you can gain the bridge in the end, or you try to claim them yourself fairly fast. If you claim them fast, the opponent can also do so if the opponent knows they have the counter, or they can wait, then claim the bridges after you do, gaining them in the long run. The advantage of claiming them fast is to immediately get 'EXP” which can’t be much of a hassle if your deck has a lot of cheap units to claim them. Waiting to claim the bridges may often be better since you’ll get the bridges in the end and it requires less units to maintain bridge control.

Deck Ideas

Well, here are some decks for you to have fun with.
Minion masters is a game for fun, so there are many cool deck strategies out there and I wanted to share some ideas for you to improve upon. ;)
  • Deck 1. The all basic cards deck. Stormbringer: Daggerfall, Dragon Whelp, Plasma Marines, Plasma Marines, Plasma Marines, Fireball, Annihilator, Living Statue, Cleaver, Crossbow Guild

  • Deck 2. The triple crossbow guild deck. Stormbringer: S.T.INT, Daggerfall, Dragon Whelp, Ghost Turret, Wall, Shielded Crossbow Dudes, Undying Skeleton, Crossbow Guild, Crossbow Guild, Crossbow Guild

  • Deck 3. The triple future present deck. Apep: Scrat Pack, Elite Swarmer, Heal Puff, S.T.INT, Xiao Long, Annihilator, Divine Warrior, Future Present, Future Present, Future Present

  • Deck 4. The triple skeleton deck. Mordar: Scrat Pack, Shock Rock, Daggerfall, Dragon Whelp, Plasma Marines, Undying Skeleton, Undying Skeleton, Undying Skeleton, Annihilator, Succubus

  • Deck 5. The triple Drone force one deck. Stormbringer: Scrat Pack, S.T.INT, Dragon Whelp, Healing Shrine, Wall, Warrior, Annihilator, Drone Force One, Drone Force One, Drone Force One

  • Deck 6. The ravaging rammers or something like that. Ravager: Scrat Pack, Elite Swarmer, S.T.INT, Daggerfall, Plasma Marines, Fireball, Rammer, Rammer, Divine Warrior, Colossus

  • Deck 7. The king puff control deck. King Puff: Scrat Pack, Propeller Scrats, Daggerfall, Plasma Marines, Scrat Horde, Scrat Horde, Shielded Crossbow Dudes, Spear Throwers, Spear Throwers, Colossus

  • Deck 8. The volco spam deck. Volco: Blood Imps, Illusory Cleaver, Mana Puff, Scrat Pack, Scrat Pack, Scrat Pack, Heal Puff, Styxi, Dragon Pack, Red Golem

  • Deck 9. The mordar heavy resurrect deck with cycle. Mordar: Scrat Pack, Scrat Pack, Scrat Pack, Daggerfall, Ghost Turret, Healing Shrine, Xiao Long, Annihilator, Blue Golem, Colossus

  • Deck 10. The demon warrior cycle deck. Apep: Illusory Cleaver, Mana Puff, Scrat Pack, Scrat Pack, Scrat Pack, Elite Swarmer, Heal Puff, S.T.INT, Shock Rock, Demon Warrior

  • Deck 11. The triple scrat launcher deck. Stormbringer: Scrat Pack, Elite Swarmer, S.T.INT, Plasma Marines, Shielded Crossbow Dudes, Annihilator, Divine Warrior, Scrat Launcher, Scrat Launcher, Scrat Launcher

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