Superpower Chess Youtube

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Resources.for and.Subreddit Rules. Keep it friendly and focused; don't be a jerk.

Abusive behaviour and discrimination against others will not be tolerated. Do not post content, memes, jokes, videos or images that don't offer useful chess insight. Consider posting such content to our sister subreddit,.

If you post your own games, include your own annotations. Youtube videos with no commentary and animated gifs are not annotations.

Deiland walkthrough Deiland is a single-player adventure RPG with several sandbox elements, such as farming, crafting, and building. Put on the mantle of the Little Prince of Deiland and rule over your own planet!

Don't ask for advice about games in progress. Wrap your PGNs with pgn and /pgn (without the spaces) to allow users to see the game as an interactive chess board.Chess Spoiler format for problem answers etc.,!Spoiler text! Over the years I've revisited it many times, but it seems like nobody has heard of this game! It's literally the best chess software EVER for someone who's not already a pro and wants to learn, or even for a beginner who's never played.The brilliance of it lies in the Power Chess Queen.

After you play a game against the king, she will review your game with you in an amazing play-by-play commentary that is unrivaled to this day in ANY kind of game, period. I'd love to see a kickstarter or some other kind of campaign designed to get this game revisited/remade or just rereleased in a compatible a great video of the queen reviewing a game. Just watch and be amazed at what was possible back in 95.EDIT: Thanks everyone for keeping this post visible, I really wish there was some way that this awesome retro title could get enough attention to spark interest of the right people to even think about a rebuild of some kid. I'd pay more than the average game price for it, that's for sure. This is great. For someone at my level of play (very low), most of the time your standard chess computer isn't helpful because it doesn't explain why the best move is the best.

Often times the best move is made in contemplation of a threat or tactic that is 2 or 3 moves away, or to set up a small positional advantage or control over key squares, and there is no chance for a low level player to understand its purpose without explanation. The way that this program explains the purpose of each move is very helpful. I had this as a child, and it was really great.

I guess the CD is still somewhere at my parents' house. You were able to play the Queen (who was the strongest opponent) or the King (who played at different strengths and with different openings each time so you could learn new stuff). Then there were also a lot of other characters, like the robot or the pirate Evans who always played the Evans Gambit. You could have all your games analysed by the Queen as shown in OP's video.There were also about 8 or so reviews of famous games (like Morphy's opera game or Steinitz vs von Bardeleben) which were very well made.Unfortunately I was really bad at chess back then and didn't play this often enough to make enough progress (too many other good games.), so I never got the most out of it and mostly played the weak opponents.

But it was great fun nonetheless.

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a test that attempts to meaningfully divide people into 16 psychological types, using personal preferences and theory developed by Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Jung.There are four dimensions of preference:Introversion (I) / Extroversion (E)Intuition (N) / Sensing (S)Thinking (T) / Feeling (F)Judging (J) / Perceiving (P)We are Extroverted, Intuitive, Thinking Judgers.We are robots.Unexpected Distinctions:.♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤. Be civil. No porn except legal stuff and where designated. (All links require mod approval due to spamming.). Mods have the right to be completely and inconsistently arbitrary♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤Library.♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤. Okay fellow entj's.

I have ran a personal test. Last may i quit drinking - lasted 5+ months (believe it was 178 days) by choice, backpacked solo, lived out some dreams after college before going into the work force.

I caved back into drinking around thanksgiving through Christmas time. Probably a mix of buried emotions and the people i put myself around, again, by choice. However, the 5 months i was sober, was a damn good 5 months. Tons of self growth, learning about life, and new passions/interests were uncovered (ran 3 marathons in 6 months.)skip forward to today, i quit every single thing other than coffee December 29th, and the past few months have been better than expected. High drive for multiple aspects of life, the willingness to talk to a therapist about personal issues to strengthen my connections to other humans, and extreme amounts of energy. Some days i accidentally forget to eat and work 10 hours is what i've learned:we need healthy stimulation - find your form of exercise that works for you and try and do it 6 days a week.

I am serious. This is a huge mental game changer. I enjoy running and cycling, currently building up to do triathlons/ironmans (fitness goal). Do your best to limit social media use, its a time burner and unhealthy stimulation. Or build a business of social media and use it to make money. We need to gain our dopamine releases through heathy ways.

Dopamine release from work / exercise / healthy choices = healthy stimulationmoney is important - money helps you feel your freedom and live the way you want. If you dont like your job, you need to at least have a side hustle you do like while constantly searching for something you will like more- make a pros and cons list of current job + new jobs you come across before making a reactionary decision, if you love your job you should be putting 100% effort into it and learning new skills around the job daily, be a student of life and never over complicate learning. Set money goals, they will help keep your mind thinking long term vs. Short term, short term instant gratification will hurt you more than long term gratification. I dream of owning and running a company one day that has happy employees and great returns. My poster child example is how Patagonia is ran with a healthy work life balance and benefits to employees + bad ass company w/ great ethos.

(money/business goals)relationships - we love to have a lot of 'friends' but we need to keep our circle small, trustworthy, and supportive both ways. Less is more. More is less. In the past, some of us have probably been the life of the party, the person with tons of friends, friendly to everyone, extremely social. Over the past year, i have realized that because of my healthy life changes, some people do not want to be my friend/associate with me as i am not their party buddy anymore - that is okay!

Friends come in and out in waves and we learn from every person / have friends during different stages of life! Dating is another area, don't hurt people for your own gain, but also make sure you allow the opposite sex into your life with heathy connections. I am in a selfish period still where i am working on uncovering my childhood traumas before committing to anyone, i also haven't met anyone since my last relationship that i want to commit to yet, maybe thats part of my underlying issues i need to work on. (relationship goals)reading and writing are two very beneficial things for us. Reading expands our knowledge to different bounds and helps us spark new creative ideas.

We need brain stimulation to allow us more forward progression. I am fascinated by the mind of ceos, i read books about ceos/from ceos.

Personally really enjoyed shoe dog about nike, and recommend to anyone who wants to understand the struggle behind nike becoming who they are today and the never ending grit needed to succeed in our world.writing, it allows introspection, one of the best things ENTJs can do. You need to dump your brains extra thoughts- both in the morning and in the evening. I have this routine, 1 hour before i want to sleep, phone completely off (i use a real alarm now, no phone waves allowed in my room at night), pick up your journal and write about your highs and lows of the day, and let the thoughts flow, date it, so 6 months later if you have a great day, you can see where you were 6 months prior, what you were dealing with, struggling with, and the growth in a period of time. We need to see that we are growing. You will forgot 9 outta 10 thoughts, write them down. Get it out of your head, move on. One day you can sit back, read all your entires, and apply everything you've learned over the years - new ideas come from reading old ideas.i plan on doing a sober 2020, seeing where i am at the end of the year, enjoying the ups and downs.

Sobriety allows your mind to function at a completely different level than if you are feeding it toxins that only distract your purest form of living. One day ill enjoy a few glasses of wine with my wife, but in your younger years it important to establish yourself and what your set out to do. Don't use substances to run from your true powers. This could be a rocky year from some, but it doesn't have to be for you, always keep an eye on your family and friends close to you. Many will suffer in silence and be the person who reaches out to them.a fellow ENTJ 8w7, male, 23. Any questions, ideas, whatever you feel from this i would love to hear from you.note: i am not a 'grammar' person and it is reddit so I write, post, move on, hopefully minimal mistakes.

Vices are things you know you shouldn’t do but you do it anyway.Common example is smoking. I have friends who smoke a lot and see no issue with it. I on the other hand see an issue with it so whenever I do smoke I am giving into a vice. It’s not a vice for my friends but it’s a vice for me. A vice is personal to you.My vices were gambling, smoking, drinking, women(sex), fast life and porn mainly.I don’t gamble, watch porn, life a fast life or smoke anymore. Forza motorsport 3 car list.

I don’t chase women like I used to but I do love them and occasionally I’ll choose sex over studying or something. I’ve been a stoner since I was 16, 21 now. I still got my shit done and even used weed to help me accomplish tasks better like working out and cleaning.About two months ago I applied for an internship that happened to drug test. I went cold turkey. I passed the test and got the internship last week, now I don’t wanna go back.

I never thought I’d give up weed bc I had no reason to. The internship forced me to adopt a sober lifestyle and it felt great. I finished winter quarter with an average of a 3.9 across my 3 classes. I can remember my dreams which often send me subliminal messages to help me in life. I sleep better and experience more rem sleep.It feels great. I have some questions1- How did you manage to afford to go on a trip right after college?

How did you avoid debt/how did you make debt not a problem for your trip?2- What kind of internships did you do in college? How did you find those internships? Do you think they helped you find your job or are you in an unrelated field?3- How long did you spend in college? What did you study?4- Overall, how do you think you landed that job? Basically top things you think helped you (experience, skills, connections, GPA, pretty face, whatever you think worked). 1- i was fortunate enough to not have any college debt, saved money throughout college from freelancing work, grad photos, marketing consulting as a way to boost student traffic to restaurants.

In one semester i helped a restaurant generate 30% more sales with a buy one get one offer. For the trip, i bought a roundtrip ticket for $400, backpacked very cheap south east asia on a $50 a day budget.

In total i budgeted 3k for 2 months. Stayed in hostels, ate street food, rented mopeds, its not tough once your there, get there and you could backpack off even less a day. Major airports (lax,JFK,etc) have very cheap roundtrip tickets to singapore. Once you get to south east asia its cheap to hop to new places nearby.2- i kept working on a trade through college and building out a photography portfolio, created a grad photo business at a school with 40k kids.

Very easy to get clients and word of mouth marketing/referrals had me busy. Did marketing work for all the local bars on campus.3- i spent 4 years, and studied marketing in the business school4- landed my job after college due to connections i made in school, very social and tried to interact and meet as many people as possible.

Joined clubs and continued to push forward on all my passions and hobbies. 3.3 gpa, pretty face helps but if you can't talk then you are just a pretty face, skills- never stop learning and find new things to the past 8 years ive learned 6 adobe softwares, spent hours watching tutorials on youtube university, played over 10,000 chess games online, have made videos for the NFL social media amassing millions of views, everything is repetition and compounding. What you do today adds up to where you will be a year from now, two years from now, 10 years from now.hopefully i answered your questions!. Thank you so much for the honest and detailed reply! I'm fortunate to be surrounded by people who are just as ambitious as I am, so that's great for my motivation, but unfortunately, they don't have many tips that are applicable to my situation as a self-supported independent student, as they all relied heavily on family to ensure their success (whether it be getting financial support from parents for college, or getting internships/entry-level jobs through family). It's reassuring to see that there are still people out there who encounter success without relying on relatives. Thanks for giving me hope!.