Tomb Raider Chronicles Controls

понедельник 20 апреляadmin

Tomb Raider: Chronicles Overview and Guide After her adventures in the previous game, Lara Croft is missing in Egypt and presumed dead. Those closest to her gather together at the Croft estate on a grey, rainy day for a memorial service in her honor.

Tomb Raider Chronicles (TR5) Controls & Menu/Inventory SystemThe following lists basic controls, as well as complex moves involving combinations of controls, and controls for vehicles in Tomb Raider Chronicles. Most Macintosh keys are the same as those for the PC. Where they differ, Mac controls are listed in green. PlayStation controls are in blue.

Instructions for saving and loading games, using the inventory, combining items, targeting, etc., are at the bottom of the page.Follow this link for.Follow this link for Mipo's, using JoyToKey.Follow this link for a created by CrimsonBlitz and posted on the Steam community forum.Whether you are using a keyboard for the Windows or Macintosh game, a PlayStation or Dreamcast controller or gamepad, you can change the controls to suit your taste. (See, below.)PLAYSTATION ANALOG CONTROLLER NOTES: Controls vary slightly from those listed when using an analog controller. The left stick moves Lara: push lightly to walk or sidestep, firmly turn or run. The right stick controls the camera. Press the right stick in for Action; press the left stick to jump.IMPORTANT: If you have never played Tomb Raider before, you should familiarize yourself with the unique control system for jumping. It seems odd at first, but it is actually very easy to make Lara do what you want if you just follow certain basic steps, covered on my page.Basic MovesMOVECONTROLS(PC/ Mac/ PlayStation)DESCRIPTION/NOTESRunUp ArrowD-Pad UpPress forward with left or right to move in that direction.Hop BackDown ArrowD-Pad DownTurn RightRight ArrowD-Pad RightHold to pivot on the spot.Turn LeftLeft ArrowD-Pad LeftHold to pivot on the spot.WalkShiftR1Used in combination with the direction keys/buttons for slower movement.

Lara will never walk off an edge, though she will run off. It's also handy for areas with spikes, broken glass, barbed wire, etc. Lara won't take damage if she WALKS through these.JumpAltCommandSquareMakes Lara jump straight up.

Follow the prompts. Ranch rush 2.

More complex jumps are covered under combo moves, below.Sidestep Left/RightShift + Left/Right ArrowR1 + D-Pad Left/RightThe TR2 sidestep keys, Delete and Page Down, also work here and can be reassigned if desired. On the PlayStation, pushing the left analog stick lightly can also be used to sidestep.Roll/ReverseEnd,or 5 on numeric keypad, or Up + Down Arrows togetherbackslash CircleLara drops to the ground and comes up facing the opposite direction.Draw/Holster WeaponDe-Activate HeadsetDrop FlareSpace BarTriangleIn addition to drawing and holstering guns, this key also used to deactivate Lara's headset (available in the VCI HQ levels) or drop a flare without lighting another. To equip the headset, choose it from the inventory ring. (See Menu & Inventory, below.) Using the headset and laser sight, manual vs. Automatic targeting and combining items are covered at the bottom of the page.ActionCtrlXActions include firing weapons, picking up objects on the ground, using switches, keys and puzzle items, activating the light built into Lara's headset, etc. (Also used to make Lara grab in certain combo moves, below.)LookIns or 0 on numeric keypad + arrow keysL1 + D-PadLook (labeled 'Ins' on some keyboards) shifts perspective to what Lara sees. Hold Look while pressing direction keys/buttons to look in different directions.( NOTE TO LAPTOP USERS: Many laptop computers have no numeric keypad, so if the Ins key is not convenient, you can reassign the Look key.

See the Menu & Inventory section below.)Light/Throw FlareZoom Out (same as period)L2Used alone, Lara will crouch. She can draw weapons that doesn't require two hands to hold (i.e., pistols, Uzis) and shoot from a crouching position. She can also turn around while crouching and holding weapons.

Gather all the Golden Roses to unlock Special Features. Start At The Second Story While at the main menu highlight the New Game option and press and hold:L1 + UpWhile holding those two button press the X button. You'll start at the Russian Base.Start At The Third Story While at the main menu highlight the New Game option and press and hold:L2 + UpWhile holding those two button press the X button. You'll start at the Black Isle.Start At The Fouth Story While at the main menu highlight the New Game option and press and hold:R1 + UpWhile holding those two button press the X button. You'll start at the Tower Block stage.Unlock Every Item For Your Level During the game press Select to bring up your inventory screen.

Highlight the Timex and hold:Down + R1 + L1 + L2 + R2 then press Triangle. Unlock Special Features, Medkits And Ammo Your ammo will now be unlimited as well as your Medikits.While in the game, press SELECT to bring up your inventory. Thenhighlight your Timex and hold:Down+R1+R2+L1+L2+CIRCLE and then pressTRIANGLE.Then exit the game to find a 'Special Features' menu on themain screen. From there you can view storyboards and concept art for theNext Generation Tomb Raider game as well as a pre-rendered (as in NOTrealtime) video of what the game may look like.Unlock Unlimited Health, Ammo And Weapons During the game press Select to bring up your inventory screen. Highlight the Timex and hold:Up + R1 + L1 + L2 + Circle then press Triangle.